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Beautiful! Our patience has finally paid off. We knew it would happen some day,

and now it has. We're asked to evaluate a variable in an equation in which that

variable doesn't even appear.

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Q: What is the value of r in the linear regression equation 67.50-4.90x?
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What is regression coefficient and correlation coefficient?

The strength of the linear relationship between the two variables in the regression equation is the correlation coefficient, r, and is always a value between -1 and 1, inclusive. The regression coefficient is the slope of the line of the regression equation.

What does the y-intercept represent in a linear regression equation?

It represents the value of the y variable when the x variable is zero.

What are linear and nonlinear regression?

A linear equation is an equation that in math. It is a line. Liner equations have no X2. An example of a linear equation is x-2 A linear equation also equals y=mx+b. It has a slope and a y-intercept. A non-linear equation is also an equation in math. It can have and x2 and it is not a line. An example is y=x2+3x+4 Non linear equations can be quadratics, absolute value or expodentail equations.

What is a linear regression?

Suppose you have n objects and for each object you have observations for k+1 variables, X1, X2, ... , Xk and Y.Then a linear regression is an equation of the form E(y) = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + ... + bkxk where E(y) is the expected value of the variable Y when Xi has the value xi; and where a, and b1, b2, ... , bk are constants.

What is linear regression?

Suppose you have n objects and for each object you have observations for k+1 variables, X1, X2, ... , Xk and Y.Then a linear regression is an equation of the form E(y) = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + ... + bkxk where E(y) is the expected value of the variable Y when Xi has the value xi; and where a, and b1, b2, ... , bk are constants.

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What is regression coefficient and correlation coefficient?

The strength of the linear relationship between the two variables in the regression equation is the correlation coefficient, r, and is always a value between -1 and 1, inclusive. The regression coefficient is the slope of the line of the regression equation.

What does the y-intercept represent in a linear regression equation?

It represents the value of the y variable when the x variable is zero.

What are linear and nonlinear regression?

A linear equation is an equation that in math. It is a line. Liner equations have no X2. An example of a linear equation is x-2 A linear equation also equals y=mx+b. It has a slope and a y-intercept. A non-linear equation is also an equation in math. It can have and x2 and it is not a line. An example is y=x2+3x+4 Non linear equations can be quadratics, absolute value or expodentail equations.

How is linear regression used?

Linear regression can be used in statistics in order to create a model out a dependable scalar value and an explanatory variable. Linear regression has applications in finance, economics and environmental science.

What is linear regression?

Suppose you have n objects and for each object you have observations for k+1 variables, X1, X2, ... , Xk and Y.Then a linear regression is an equation of the form E(y) = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + ... + bkxk where E(y) is the expected value of the variable Y when Xi has the value xi; and where a, and b1, b2, ... , bk are constants.

What is a linear regression?

Suppose you have n objects and for each object you have observations for k+1 variables, X1, X2, ... , Xk and Y.Then a linear regression is an equation of the form E(y) = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + ... + bkxk where E(y) is the expected value of the variable Y when Xi has the value xi; and where a, and b1, b2, ... , bk are constants.

What are the zeros of a linear equation?

A linear equation can have only one zero and that is the value of the variable for which the equation is true.

What is true about the y-intercept in the linear regression model?

The value depends on the slope of the line.

Is it true that the y-intercept in the linear regression model is always 0?

It could be any value

What relationship does a linear graph shows?

A linear graph shows a linear equation in which the value of one variable depends on the value of the other variable.

What is an equation that is not true for any value of a variable?

linear equation in one variable