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Q: What is the value of the 2 in thus munber 724.0?
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What are the rules for negative and positive integers multiplying and dividing?

The absolute value (that is the numerical value ignoring the sign) of the result is the operation done on the absolute value of the operands. If the signs of the operands are the same the result will be positive; otherwise the signs of the operands are different and the result will be negative. eg -2 × 5: the operands are of opposite signs (one positive, one negative), so the result will be negative and 2 × 5 = 10, thus -2 × 5 = -10; eg -2 × -5: the operands are of the same sign (both negative), so the result will be positive, and 2 × 5 = 10, thus -2 × -5 = 10; eg 10 ÷ -5; the operands are of opposite signs, so the result will be negative and 10 ÷ 5 = 2, thus 10 ÷ -5 = -2.

Absolute value of -2?

Absolute value of -2 is 2.

What is 2 to the power of 0 why?

20 = 1Consider what is the value of 2a ÷ 2a? Any number divided by itself is 1. Thus:2a ÷ 2a = 1The law of indices says that when dividing, they are subtracted, for example:25 ÷ 22 = (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2) ÷ (2 x 2) = 2 x 2 x 2 = 23 = 25-2So 2a ÷ 2a is (also):2a ÷ 2a = 2a-a = 20Since any number subtracted from itself is 0 (= a - a). This must have the same value as before, thus:20 = 1The 2 above can be replaced by any number x which means that any number to the power 0 is 1:x0 = 1

What is the value of a 1963 silver dime?

A bit less than $2 with current silver prices. The price of it depends on the spot price of silver and thus changes daily or even hourly.

What is the value of the digit 2 in 0.22?

There is one 2 whose value is 2 tenths and another two whose value is 2 hundredths.

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Mean(50, 7190) = (50 + 7190)/2 = 7240/2 = 3620

What even munber can you make using 3 digits 5 2 7?

Anything ending in 2, so 572 or 752

What is 2 percent of 39?

2% = .02. Thus, by multiplying these values together, you have your end value. .02(39) = 0.78.

What is the value of temps 2 1 after the code that follows is executed?

As there is no ``code that follows'', nothing is executed and thus ``temps 2 1'' does not change.

How is the Value of i for NaCl is 2?

Because it ionizes into Na+ and Cl-, thus ONE mole or molecule of NaCl produces TWO moles or molecules, namely Na and Cl, thus i (the van't Hoff factor) is 2.

What are the rules for negative and positive integers multiplying and dividing?

The absolute value (that is the numerical value ignoring the sign) of the result is the operation done on the absolute value of the operands. If the signs of the operands are the same the result will be positive; otherwise the signs of the operands are different and the result will be negative. eg -2 × 5: the operands are of opposite signs (one positive, one negative), so the result will be negative and 2 × 5 = 10, thus -2 × 5 = -10; eg -2 × -5: the operands are of the same sign (both negative), so the result will be positive, and 2 × 5 = 10, thus -2 × -5 = 10; eg 10 ÷ -5; the operands are of opposite signs, so the result will be negative and 10 ÷ 5 = 2, thus 10 ÷ -5 = -2.

Find a cuboid with edges of a whole munber lenghts that has a surface area of excactly 100 square units?

2(xy+xz+yz)=100 xy+xz+yz=50 or x(y+z)+yz=50 x=2, y=4, z=7

How do you convert 50 from decimal to binary?

Repeatedly divide the decimal value by 2 and take the remainder (which can only be 0 or 1) until the decimal value is 0. The first remainder is the low-order bit, thus we work through the bits in increasing order of magnitude. For example, decimal value 50: 50 / 2 = 25 r 0 25 / 2 = 12 r 1 12 / 2 = 6 r 0 6 / 2 = 3 r 0 3 / 2 = 1 r 1 1 / 2 = 0 r 1 Thus 50 decimal is 110010 in binary.

What does approximatley mean in mathematics?

Take the value of pi which is 3.1415...... (never ending) Take the value of 1/3 which is 0.3333333..... (never ending) Take the value of 2/3 which is 0.6666666..... (never ending) In these cases, depending on the accuracy we are content with, we will take the value only to a certain number of decimals which gives an approximate value and definitely not the accurate value. In many cases we cannot use the accurate value and an approximation will suffice. Thus, depending on the accuracy or precision we need, we can approximate the value of pi to be 3.14, the value of 1/3 to be 0.3, and the value of 2/3 to be 0.66

What is the value of the 2 in 205?

it is 200

Absolute value of -2?

Absolute value of -2 is 2.

What is the number which can be divided by 4 and not with 2?

No such number exists, for if it is divisible by 4 (thus, 4x), then it is divisible by 2 (thus, 2*2x).