numeral 2 has two values in number 12.62 2 is written as xx in roman numerals.
The number 10 has a roman numeral of X. The number 50 has a roman numeral of L. These are the only 2 digit numbers with a single value.
2 hundredths which is simplified to 1/15 if you are also using fractions
As a Roman numeral 2 = II
numeral 2 has two values in number 12.62 2 is written as xx in roman numerals.
The number 10 has a roman numeral of X. The number 50 has a roman numeral of L. These are the only 2 digit numbers with a single value.
2 hundredths which is simplified to 1/15 if you are also using fractions
Two thousand.
No. It is a numeral.
As a Roman numeral 2 = II
A standard numeral is simply a number written in number form - 1, 2, 3, etc.
The Roman numeral of S is equivalent to 1/2 or 0.5
A mixed numeral is a number that is a whole number and a fraction together.For example putting the number 5 with the fraction 1/2 gives the mixed number 51/2 (five and a half).
S does not have a value in the Roman systemImproved Answer:-The value of S is 1/2 so ISS = 1+1/2+1/2 = 2