Its positional place value is 2,000 = two thousand
The decimal value is tenth and the number value is 0.5.
Three thousand.
Its positional place value is 2,000 = two thousand
numeral 2 has two values in number 12.62 2 is written as xx in roman numerals.
Two tens = twenty.
S does not have a value in the Roman systemImproved Answer:-The value of S is 1/2 so ISS = 1+1/2+1/2 = 2
Roman Numeral DXII is value 512.
The value of the Roman numeral XXXIX is 39.
The value of the Roman numeral XIV is 14.
K is not a Roman Numeral.
2 hundredths which is simplified to 1/15 if you are also using fractions
The ISBN of Summer Sisters is 0-385-32405-7.