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You begin with 1.63 g of MgCl2•xH2O.

You end up with 0.762 g MgCl2.

That means you lost 1.63 - 0.762 = 0.87 g of H2O.

0.762 g MgCl2 / 95.21 g (molar mass) = .00800 mol MgCl2

0.87 g H2O / 18.02 g (molar mass) = .048 mol H2O

x = mol solute / mol solvent

x = .048 mol H2O / .00800 mol MgCl2

x = 6


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Q: What is the value of x When a 1.63 g sample of MgCl2xH2O is heated to remove all water a mass of 0.762 g remains?
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