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The manipulative variable.

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Q: What is the variable that is changed?
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What is a changed variable?

a changed variable is something that you have changed

What variable is changed?

a changed variable is something that you have changed

What variable has pupil changed?

The variable that has been changed is the independent variable.

The variable that is changed in the experiment is?

The Independent variable is the variable being manipulated or changedThe dependent Variable is the observed result of the changed independent variable

What is the variable that is changed in an experiment?

The independent variable is the variable that is changed during an experiment.

A variable that is changed during the process of experimentation is a?

The variable that is purposely changed is the independent variable. The variable that is affected by this change is the dependent variable.

The variable that can be thought of what changed?

The independent variable is the variable that is manipulated or changed in an experiment to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

Can a independent variable be changed in a group?

can a independent variable be changed in a group

What is the variable that is changed by a scientist in a experiment?

The dependent variable is the variable that can change in an experiment.

Is the responding variable the variable that is changed during an experiment?

it is the variable that is changed by the manipulated variable, which is to purposely change a variable to see if it has any affect. the part that has effect is the responding variable

Does manipulated variable mean changed on accident?

A manipulated variable is not changed on purpose.

What is the one variable that is changed to test a hypothesis is?

The one variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis is manipulated variable