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The independent variable. If it changes the other variable, then the other variable depends on it and consequently is the "dependent variable".

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Q: What is the variable you can change to see how it affects another variable?
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Another name for manipulated varible?

An independent variable. This is because you can manipulate the variable so it is said to be independent of the other variables. This is different from the dependent variable which is the variable you are measuring the change in. For example in an experiment to see how the amount of water given to a plant affects it's height, the amount of water is the independent variable, because it is the variable you can change, while the height of the plant is the dependent variable because we want to see how the change in the amount of water affects it.

What does independent variable mean in electricity?

An independent variable is something that you, as the experementer, change to try and get a set of results. E.g, in an electrical ciurcut you may change the voltage to see how it affects resistance. Voltage is the independent variable as your changing it, resistance is the dependant variable as it changes due to the change in the independent variable.

What is a indenpent variable?

In experimental design there are two variables, the independent variable and the dependent variable. You are allowed manipulate or change one variable to see how that affects results in an experiment you are conducting. Think of it as the variable Ican change. This is the i variable, the independent. The experiment will generate data that responds to these changes. This data is your dependent variable.

The difference between the independent and dependent variables?

Independent variables are variables that can be changed in an experiment, while dependent variables are variables that change as a result of an experiment. In other words, independent variables are what you change, and dependent variables are the results of the experiment.

Is the responding variable the variable that is changed during an experiment?

it is the variable that is changed by the manipulated variable, which is to purposely change a variable to see if it has any affect. the part that has effect is the responding variable

Related questions

What ios the variable you change to see how it affects another variable?

The independent variable is the one that you change to observe how it affects another variable, known as the dependent variable. By manipulating the independent variable, you can study its impact on the dependent variable and establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the two.

Another name for manipulated varible?

An independent variable. This is because you can manipulate the variable so it is said to be independent of the other variables. This is different from the dependent variable which is the variable you are measuring the change in. For example in an experiment to see how the amount of water given to a plant affects it's height, the amount of water is the independent variable, because it is the variable you can change, while the height of the plant is the dependent variable because we want to see how the change in the amount of water affects it.

What does independent variable mean in electricity?

An independent variable is something that you, as the experementer, change to try and get a set of results. E.g, in an electrical ciurcut you may change the voltage to see how it affects resistance. Voltage is the independent variable as your changing it, resistance is the dependant variable as it changes due to the change in the independent variable.

What is a indenpent variable?

In experimental design there are two variables, the independent variable and the dependent variable. You are allowed manipulate or change one variable to see how that affects results in an experiment you are conducting. Think of it as the variable Ican change. This is the i variable, the independent. The experiment will generate data that responds to these changes. This data is your dependent variable.

What variable do you purposely change during an experiment in order to test your hypothesis?

The variable that is purposely changed during an experiment to test a hypothesis is the independent variable. This variable is manipulated by the researcher to see how it affects the dependent variable, which is the outcome being measured.

What is the factor that scientist change or manipulate during an experiment?

The factor that scientists change or manipulate during an experiment is called the independent variable. It is the variable being tested to see how it affects the dependent variable, which is the variable being measured or observed. By manipulating the independent variable, scientists can analyze its impact on the dependent variable and draw conclusions about their relationship.

What is the manipulated variable in this experiment?

The manipulated variable is the variable that the researcher deliberately changes or controls in an experiment to see how it affects the dependent variable.

What is the scientific definition of an independent variable?

An independent variable in a scientific experiment is the variable that is manipulated or changed by the researcher. It is the factor that is being tested to see how it affects the dependent variable. The independent variable is what the researcher intentionally changes to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

What is the the variable you change to see how it will affect the dependent variable?

independent variable

The difference between the independent and dependent variables?

Independent variables are variables that can be changed in an experiment, while dependent variables are variables that change as a result of an experiment. In other words, independent variables are what you change, and dependent variables are the results of the experiment.

What does change munipulated variable?

Changing the manipulated variable in an experiment allows the researcher to see how it affects the outcome or dependent variable. By altering the manipulated variable, researchers can observe how different conditions or factors impact the results of the study, providing valuable insights into cause-and-effect relationships.

The variable that a scientist changes when conducting an experiment is called?

The independent variable is the variable that a scientist changes when conducting an experiment. It is the factor that the scientist manipulates to see how it affects the outcome or dependent variable.