

What is the variance of this data set 10 8 8 6 5?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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The variance is: 3.8

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Q: What is the variance of this data set 10 8 8 6 5?
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Subtract the smallest number in the data set from the largest number in the data set. eg, the range of {3, 1, 5, 6, 6 ,8, 10, 5, 8} is 10 - 1 = 9

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The average is the sum of all of the numbers in a data set DIVIDED by the number of numbers in the data set. Therefore, given the following set of numbers 5 5 7 8 10 The average would be (5 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 10) / 5 which will give you 7. so the average is 7

What is the mean in a set of data?

In any given set, the mean is the average, which is the total of the numbers divided by how many numbers there are. Ex. (10, 17, 20, 45, 68) 68 + 45 + 20 + 17 + 10 = 160 There are 5 numbers in this set. 160/5 = 32 The mean is 32.

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The variance is 27.0

Tell when a set of data can have no mode?

A set of data has no mode when there is no number that occurs more frequently than another. The data set: 1, 2, 5, 5, 6 has a mode of 5. The data set: 1, 2, 3 has no mode.

How do I Merge data in SAS?

Use the merge command. For example: Data set one ID A B 10 1 2 20 3 4 30 5 6 Data set two ID C 10 0 20 5 30 7 data three; merge one two; by id; run; Output: ID A B C 10 1 2 0 20 3 4 5 30 5 6 7

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A good way to assess what is a reasonable interval when graphing data is to see if there are any common factors in the data set. In this case 5, 10, 30, 40 and 20 are all clearly divisible by 5. Therefore, 5 would be a reasonable interval to use when graphing the data.

Finding the range in a set of data?

The range of a set of data is the difference between the largest and smallest, ie subtract the smallest from the largest. For example:Find the range of the data {10, 20, 50, 17, 89, 24, 5, 56}The largest is 89 and the smallest is 5, so the range is 89 - 5 = 84.