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Q: What is the velocity of a sailboat that is traveling 100 meters east in 120 seconds?
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What is the speed of a sailboat that is traveling 150 meters in 120 seconds?

i dont know i though this page or wed give the answer when we need it

What is the deceleration of a car traveling with a velocity of 30 meters per second slowing down to a velocity of 10 meters per second within 10 seconds?

you doing homework???

What is an example problem of speed and velocity?

An example problem involving speed is calculating the average speed of a car that travels 100 miles in 2 hours. An example problem involving velocity is determining the velocity of a ball thrown upward with an initial velocity of 20 m/s at a height of 40 meters above the ground.

What would be the velocity of a deepwater wave with a wavelength of 50 meters and a period of 6.5 second?

The velocity of a deepwater wave can be calculated using the formula v = L/T, where v is the velocity, L is the wavelength (50 meters), and T is the period (6.5 seconds). Substituting the values gives v = 50 meters / 6.5 seconds ≈ 7.69 m/s.

What is the velocity of a car that is traveling -50 meters in 5 seconds then 10 meters in 5 seconds?

The average velocity for the entire trip can be calculated as the total displacement over the total time. First find the total displacement (final position - initial position): -40 meters. Then, calculate the total time: 10 seconds. Finally, divide displacement by time to find the average velocity: -4 m/s.

When acceleration occurs?

Acceleration occurs when velocity changes over time. The formula for it is as follows: a = (Vf - Vi) / t a: acceleration (meters/seconds2) Vf: Final velocity (meters/seconds) Vi: Initial Velocity (meters/seconds) t: Time (seconds)

What is the speed of a plane traveling 395000 meters in 9000 seconds?

395000 meters/9000 seconds is 43.889 meters/second

If a car is traveling 100 meters in 1400 seconds how fast is it traveling?

If an object is travelling 100 meters in 1400 seconds, then it is travelling (100 / 1400) or about 0.0714 meters per second.

You throw a ball straight up with a velocity of 40 meters per second. What is the ball's velocity after 3 seconds?

You throw a ball straight up with a velocity of 40 meters per second. What is the ball's velocity after 3 seconds?

What is the velocity in meters per second of a sailboat that travels 149 m away from the shore in 16.8 s?

The velocity of the sailboat is 8.85 m/s. This is calculated by dividing the distance traveled (149 m) by the time taken (16.8 s).

An automobile traveling at a velocity of 16 meters per second is brought to a full stop in 8 seconds The distance traveled in the 8 seconds is?

Speed= Distance / time => Distance = Speed x Time =16x8 = 128m

If a student travels 20 meters in 5 seconds what is the students velocity?

The student's velocity is 4 meters per second. Velocity is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken. In this case, 20 meters divided by 5 seconds equals 4 meters per second.