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The speed of the the object is 20/5 = 4 metres per second.

In order to answer the question in terms of velocity, it is necessary to know the direction of motion because velocity is a vector.

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Q: What is the velocity of an object that moves 20 meters in 5 seconds?
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20 meters per second

What is The rate which an object moves in a given direction?

The rate at which an object moves in a given direction is its velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the speed of the object and its direction. It is typically measured in units like meters per second or kilometers per hour.

What is rate which an object moves in given direction given?

The rate at which an object moves in a given direction is called velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the speed of the object and the direction in which it is moving. It is measured in units such as meters per second or miles per hour.

If distance is 50 meters and time is 5 seconds what is the speed?

If an object moves 50 meters in 5 seconds, its average speed is 50/5 = 10 meters per second.

What the speed of an image when an object moves with a velocity of 2 meters per second towards a plain mirror?

2 m/s

What happens when velocity changes?

When velocity changes, the speed and/or direction of an object's motion is altered. This can result in acceleration or deceleration, depending on the direction of the change in velocity. If the velocity increases, the object is accelerating; if the velocity decreases, the object is decelerating.

What is the distance traveled by an object that moves with an averace speed of 10 meters and 5 seconds?

Just divide the distance by the time. (In this case, the speed in the answer will be in meters per second.)

Is it possible for the average velocity of an object to be zero during some interval even thought its average velocity for the first half of the interval is not zero reexplain and cite an example?

Yes, it is possible for the average velocity of an object to be zero during a given interval even if its average velocity for the first half of the interval is not zero. This can occur when the object moves in opposite directions such that the distances traveled cancel out over the entire interval. For example, if an object moves 3 meters to the right and then 3 meters to the left in equal times, its average velocity for the entire interval would be zero.

If an object moves with constant acceleration what happens to the velocity?

The velocity increases at a constant rate.

If object moves with constant acceleration its velocity is?

If an object moves with constant acceleration, its velocity will change at a steady rate. The velocity will increase or decrease by the same amount each second until the acceleration stops.

The momentum of an object is in the same direction as what?

The momentum of an object is in the same direction as its velocity. Momentum is a vector quantity that depends on both an object's mass and its velocity. When an object moves in a certain direction, its momentum points in the same direction as its velocity.

What is the science term of velocity?

Velocity is a vector quantity that describes the rate at which an object changes its position. It includes both the speed of the object and the direction in which it is moving. Velocity is typically measured in units of distance per time (e.g. meters per second).