

What is the vertical movement?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What is the vertical movement?
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vertical movement of a body of water called

What measures vertical movement?

a creep meter measures vertical movement and a tilt meter measures horizontal movement. Hope my answer works for you thanks

What is the vertical movement of air called?

The vertical movement of air is called convection. This process involves the transfer of heat through the movement of air or fluid particles.

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What is vertical velocity?

Vertical velocity is the rate of change of an object's position in the vertical direction per unit of time. It is the speed at which an object moves up or down relative to a reference point. Positive vertical velocity indicates upward movement, while negative vertical velocity indicates downward movement.

Is most of the air movement in the intertropical convergence zone horizontal or vertical?

Most of the air movement in the intertropical convergence zone is vertical. This is where warm, moist air rises and cools, leading to the formation of clouds and precipitation. Horizontal movement is also present but is generally less dominant compared to the vertical motion.