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Q: What is the volme of a cube with the sides as 25mm long?
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What is the volume of a cube with 5 Long sides?

A cube cannot have long and short sides: all sides MUST be of the same length.

What is the volume of a cube that has sides 9.2 inches long?

The volume of this cube is 778.7 cubic inches.

A cube has sides that are each 11 feet long. What is the volume of the cube?

V = 1,331 cubic feet.

What is the volume of a cube with 5 m long sides?

all sides are 5 m long. 5x5x5= 125m cubed

How long are the sides of a cube that has a volume of 216cm3?

6*6*6 = 216 so sides are 6 cm long

What is the volume of a cube with 5m long sides?

V = 125 m3

True or false a cubic centimeter is the space taken by a square whose sides are 1 centimeter long?

False. A cubic centimeter is the volume of a cube with sides that are each 1 centimeter long, not a square.

What is meant by 1 meter cube of concrete?

A metre cube of concrete is a volume of concrete which is equivalent to the volume of a cube each of whose sides are 1 metre long.

Are Unit Cubes Always the Same Size?

No. A cube with sides which are 1 centimetre long or that of 1 inch are both unit cubes, as is a cube with sides of 1 decimetre (volume = 1 litre).

How big is a cube?

Cubes may be any size as long as they have six equal sides.

Why are cube numbes called cube numbers?

Because each of them can be produced if you take a number and multiply itby itself and by itself again.A cube number is the volume of a cube with sides a whole number long.

A cube has the volume of 125cmWhat are the length of its sides?

The length of a side (edge) of a cube is equal to the cube root of the volume. So, in this case the cube root of 125 is 5. Thus, each edge of the cube is 5 cm long.