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Q: What is the volume of a cube measuring one half inch on all sides?
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What is the volume of a cube with half inch sides?

0.125 cubic inches

What happens to the volume of a cube if the length of one side decreases by one-half?

If it remains cube shaped (ie all sides decrease by one half) then the volume of the cube is reduced to one-eighth of its original volume. (1/2)3 = 1/8

What will happen to the volume of a cube if the length of its edges is reduce to half Is the volume get reduce if yes how much?

Try it out. A cube with four-inch sides has a volume of 64 cubic inches. A cube with two-inch sides has a volume of 8 cubic inches. That's eight times less.

What is the volume of one half of the cube?

The volume of a cube is x3 where x is the side length. Therefore the volume of half a cube would be x3/2. For instance, if the side length of a cube was 2cm, the volume of one half would be 23/2 which comes out at 4cm3

Is derivative of cube volume surface area of the cube?

No, it is not. It is half of it.

If the volume of a cube is 8 Why is the shortest distance from the center of the cube to the base of the cube 1?

The volume of a cube is the length of one of its sides (since all sides have equal length, for a cube) cubed. To find the side length from the volume, find the cubic root - in this case, it is easy as the cubic root of 8 is exactly 2. Now, because the centre of the cube is halfway between one side and its opposite, and one side being its base, the distance from the centre to that base will be half of its side length. For this cube, this is 2/2 which is 1.

What is the volume of a cube with a side of 6 and one half inches?

The volume of a cube with a side of 6 and one half inches is: 274.6 cubic inches.

If you cut a cube in half will the combined volume of the 2 halves be more less or the same?

The combined volume of the two halves of a cube will remain the same. Each half will have half of the original volume, so when you combine them, you get back the original volume of the cube.

A cubic centimeter is the space taken by a square whose sides are 1 centimeter long?

A cubic centimeter of space is a measure of volume. It is the volume marked out by a cube that is one centimeter on an edge. There are about 2.54 centimeters in an inch, so the cube will be a bit less than half an inch cubed, or a cube a bit less than half an inch on an edge.

What does one -half cube mean?

It could mean a cube tat has been cut into a half so that it is a cuboid. Or, it could mean a cube, each of whose sides is half a unit.

What is the volume of a half an inch cube?

0.125 cubic inches

What if pressure is applied to a cube until its volume is half of its original volume what will its new density be?

If pressure is applied to a cube until its volume is halved, the density will increase by a factor of 2, since density is equal to mass divided by volume. As the volume decreases by half, the mass of the cube remains the same, leading to a doubling of density.