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The volume of sphere with a radius of 7 is: 1,436.8 units3

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Q: What is the volume of sphere with a raduis of 7?
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Raduis = 6.966 units.

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Volume of sphere: 4/3*pi*9^3 = 972*pi cubic meters

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The radius of a sphere with a volume of 36 cubic units works out as about 2.048 units

What is the volume of a sphere if the radius of the sphere is 7 inches?

A sphere with a radius of 7 inches has a volume of 1,436.76 cubic inches.

What is the volume of a half sphere with a raduis of 10?

The volume of a sphere is [ 4/3 pi R3 ], so half of it is [ 2/3 pi R3 ]= (2/3) (pi) (103) = 2,000/3 pi = 2,094.395(rounded)

What is the volume of a sphere that has a diameter of 7 meters?

The volume of a sphere with a diameter of 7 meters is about 179.6m3

Volume of a sphere with the raduis of 5 cm?

Volume of a sphere = 4/3 pi r^3. Taking pi as 355/113 gives 4/3 x 355/113 x 125 = 523.6 cu cm

How many diameters goes around a raduis?

A diameter of a circle (or sphere) is a straight line which is twice as long as its radius (not raduis).

How do you find the height of a sphere when you have the volume 1232 and radius 7?

If the radius is 7 and the volume is 1232 the shape cannot be a sphere so you cannot find the height of a sphere when the shape is not a sphere!

Total surface area of half shere with a raduis of 10?

Assuming that shere = sphere and raduis = radius, the answer is 942 square units.

Doubling the raduis of a sphere increase the surface area by a factor of?

By a factor of 22 = 4.

What is the voulme of a cone that has a raduis of 6 inches and a height of 8 inches?

Assuming that voulme = volume and raduis = radius, the answer is 301.6 cubic inches.