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You would have to know the medium and the type of wave.

For example a sound wave with a period of 10 seconds would be well down in the infrasonic. In sound, a 1kHz wave has a wavelength of ~1 ft. A 1 Hz wave would have a wavelength of ~1000 ft. A 0.1Hz wave has a wavelength of ~10 000ft.

BUT, if it were a compression wave in an earthquake, one would be dealing with swampy ground.

A wave at sea in deep water (mid Pacific or mid Atlantic) could have such a period. An e-m wave of 0.1Hz would have a wavelength well towards our Sun.

And not all media have a uniform wave velocity. e-m waves at very low frequencies travel much slower than the common ones - at least around the earth. And you know that all colours of light do not travel at equal speeds in glass.

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Q: What is the wave speed of a wave that has a wave period of 10 seconds?
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A wave frequency of 10 hertz would correspond to a period of how many seconds?

0.1 seconds

What is the period of a 10Hz wave?

The period of a 10Hz wave is 0.1 seconds. Period is the time it takes for one complete cycle of the wave to occur. In this case, for a 10Hz wave, one cycle occurs every 0.1 seconds.