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10 Hz

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Q: Suppose that a sine wave has a period of 0.1 seconds What is the frequency of this wave?
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What is the frequency of a sine wave period of 0.1 seconds?

The frequency is the reciprocal of the period. In other words, divide 1 by the period. If the period is in seconds, the frequency is in hertz.

If the frequency of a sine wave is 272 Hz what is the period of the wave in seconds?

Period = 1 / frequency = 1/272 = 0.003676 second (rounded)

If the time period of a sine wave 2.5 us what is the frequency?

The period of a sine wave is the reciprocal of the frequency. So, if the time period is 2.5 microseconds, the frequency would be 1 / 2.5 microseconds, which is 400 kHz.

When a sine wave has a frequency of 50 Hz in 10 seconds it goes through?

5 cycles.

What is the period of a 250Hz sine wave?

The period is the reciprocal of the frequency, in this case, 1/250 second.

The period of a sine wave is T equals 807 milliseconds What is the frequency of the wave in Hertz?

Frequency = 1 / period = 1 / 0.807 = 1.2392 Hz (rounded)

How do you calculate the length of a Hz sine wave?

The length of a Hz sine wave can be calculated using the formula: length = 1/frequency. For example, for a sine wave of 1 Hz, the length would be 1 second. This formula is derived from the relationship between frequency (number of cycles per second) and the period (duration of one cycle), where period = 1/frequency.

What is the period of a 50 kHz sine wave?

Period = 1/frequency = 1/50,000 = 0.00002 second = 20 microseconds

What is the frequency of a sine wave with a period of 2 ms?

The definiton of period (T) . Is T = 1/f ; Therefore if you know that the period is 2.5

What is the period of a 200 kHz sine wave?

Period = reciprocal of ('1' divided by) the frequency = 1/200,000 = 0.000005 second = 5 microseconds

How do you calculate excitation frequency?

Excitation frequency can be calculated as the reciprocal of the excitation period, which is the time interval between two consecutive excitations. The formula is: Excitation frequency = 1 / Excitation period. Alternatively, if you know the excitation waveform (e.g., sine wave), you can determine the excitation frequency from the period of that waveform.

Why a sine wave is a simple vertical line in a frequency domain?

A sine wave is a simple vertical line in the frequency domain because the horizontal axis of the frequency domain is frequency, and there is only one frequency, i.e. no harmonics, in a pure sine wave.