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Q: What is the wavelength if it broadcast at 810 kHz?
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AM radio signals are broadcast at frequencies between 550 kHz and 1600 kHz and travel 2.99792 x 108 ms What is the shortest AM wavelength?

The shortest AM radio wavelength occurs at the highest frequency in the given range, which is 1600 kHz. To find the wavelength, we can use the formula: wavelength (in meters) = speed of light / frequency. So, the shortest AM wavelength is approximately 187.37 meters.

What are KHz MHz and GHz?

Khz is a measure of wavelength. i.e. my dick is 1,000 Khz

Am radio signals are broadcast at frequencies between 550 kHz and 1600 kHz and travel 2.99792 x 108 ms What is the longest AM wavelength?

The longest wavelength in the band corresponds to the lowest frequency.Wavelength = (speed) / (frequency) = (2.99792 x 108) / (550 x 103) = 545.1 meters (rounded)

What is the wavelength range for AM?

The wavelength range for AM (Amplitude Modulation) radio waves is typically between 190 and 535 meters. AM signals have longer wavelengths compared to FM signals, allowing them to propagate further and better penetrate buildings.

What is the wavelength of 17 kHz?

The wavelength of a sound wave at 17 kHz is approximately 20 millimeters. This can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency.

What is the wavelength of 1 kHz?

The wavelength of a 1 kHz (1 kilohertz) signal in air is approximately 343 meters. This wavelength can be calculated using the equation: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency.

What is the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave that has a frequency of 3 kHz a less than 1 km b 1 km c more than 1 km?

a) For a frequency of 3 kHz, the wavelength is less than 1 km, approximately 100 km. b) For a frequency of 3 kHz, the wavelength is 100 km. c) For a frequency of 3 kHz, the wavelength is more than 1 km, approximately 300 km.

A frequency of 1240 kHz What is the wavelength in meters?

Wavelength = (speed) / (frequency) =(299,792,458) / (1,240,000) = 241.768 meters

What is the frequency swing of an FM broadcast transmitter when modulated to 60 percent?

The maxium frequency swing in FM is ± 75 kHz so 75 kHz x 60% = ± 45 kHz

What is the wavelength of 20kHz?

The wavelength of a 20 kHz wave is approximately 15 meters in air. Wavelength can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency.

What is the wavelength of a am radio?

500m Commercial AM broadcast in the USA takes place in the band of 0.55 to 1.7 MHz, corresponding to wavelengths from 176.3 to 545.1 meters.

What frequency has a longer wave length 550KZ 152MHz 800MHz?

The frequency with the longer wavelength is 550 KHz, as lower frequencies have longer wavelengths. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength.