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Q: What is the wavelength of a wave with a frequency of 5 Hz traveling at 15 ms?
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A wave with a wavelength of 15 m travels at 330 ms Calcuate the waves frequency?

The frequency of a wave is calculated using the equation: wave speed = frequency x wavelength. Therefore, the frequency of a wave with a wavelength of 15 m and traveling at 330 m/s would be 22 Hz.

Frequency of a ave traveling 340ms and has a wave length of o15 m?

To find the frequency of a wave, you can use the formula: frequency = speed of the wave / wavelength. In this case, the speed of the wave is 340 m/s and the wavelength is 15 m. Plugging these values into the formula, the frequency of the wave is 340 m/s / 15 m = 22.67 Hz.

What is speeD of a wave traveling with a frequency of 5 hz anD wavelength of 3cm?

15 cm per second

What is the speeD of a wave traveling with a frequency of 5 hz an a wavelength of 3cm?

Speed = (frequency) x (wavelength) = (5) x (3 cm) = 15 cm/sec

What is the frequency of a 15 meter wave traveling at 250 meters per second?

The frequency of a wave is given by the formula: frequency = speed / wavelength. In this case, the wavelength is 15 meters and the speed is 250 meters per second. Therefore, the frequency of the 15 meter wave traveling at 250 meters per second would be 250 / 15 = 16.67 Hz.

What is the speed of a wave traveling with a frequency of 5 Hz and a wavelength of 3 cm?

The speed of the wave can be calculated using the formula speed = frequency x wavelength. Substituting the values given, the speed of the wave would be 15 cm/s.

What is the length of a wave with a frequency of 5.4hz and a velocity of 15ms?

The wavelength is calculated using the formula: Wavelength = Velocity / Frequency. Substituting the values given, we get Wavelength = 15 / 5.4 = 2.78 meters. Hence, the length of the wave is 2.78 meters.

What is wave length of frequency 20Hz?

The wavelength of a wave with a frequency of 20Hz can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of light / frequency. Assuming the speed of light is approximately 3 x 10^8 m/s, the wavelength of a 20Hz wave would be 15,000,000 meters or 15 kilometers.

What is the wavelength of wave that has a frequency of 15 hz and speed of 2 meters per second?

The wavelength can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed / frequency. Plugging in the values provided, we get wavelength = 2 m/s / 15 Hz = 0.133 meters.

What is the wavelength of 20kHz?

The wavelength of a 20 kHz wave is approximately 15 meters in air. Wavelength can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency.

A wave travels at 3 ms along a spring toy If the wavelength is 02 m what is the waves frequency?

Frequency = speed / wavelength = 3/0.2 = 15 Hertz

A wave has a wavelength of 15 mm and a frequency of 4.0 hertz What is its speed?

60 mm/s