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The wavelength would be

12/3 x 10-15 x speed of the wave.

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Q: What is the wavelength that corresponds to a frequency of 6.00 x 10 14 Hz?
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In vacuum a certain wave of light has a wavelength of 600 nanometers. What is the wave's frequency?

The answer is 5.0*1014 Hertz.

What frequency corresponds to 9.3MM?

Assuming you are reffering to electromagnetic radiation, i.e. light, the formula for this is simply frequency*wavelength = speed (in this case a constant, the speed of light). Then, frequency = (speed of light) / wavelength, speed of light ~= 3 * 10^8 meters / second, and wavelength = 9.3 mm = 9.3 * 10^-3 m. Therefore frequency ~= (3 * 10^8) / (9.3 * 10^-3) = 27.9 * 10^5 Hz = 2.79 MHz, where 1 Hz = 1 / seconds.

What is the frequency of a wave that has a wavelength 600nm?

The frequency of a wave can be calculated using the formula: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. Given the speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 3.00 x 10^8 m/s, converting the wavelength to meters (600nm = 600 x 10^-9 m) and plugging the values into the formula, the frequency of the wave with a 600nm wavelength is approximately 5 x 10^14 Hz.

What is the wavelength that corresponds to a frequency of 6.00 x 10-14 Hz?

Frequency = 6.00 x 10-14 Hz Wavelength = (speed) /(frequency) -- If this wave is sound in air, then the speed is 343 m/s and the wavelength is 5.72 x 1012 kilometers. -- If this is an electromagnetic wave in vacuum, then the speed is 299,792,458 m/s and the wavelength is 5 x 1018 kilometers.

What frequency corresponds to the reaction line at 460 nm?

The frequency corresponding to a reaction line at 460 nm can be calculated using the equation: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. Plugging in the values (speed of light = 3.00 x 10^8 m/s and wavelength = 460 x 10^-9 m) will give you the frequency in hertz.

The C-O bond absorbs radiation of wavelength 9.6um. What frequency in s-1 corresponds to that wavelength?

To calculate the frequency of radiation with a wavelength of 9.6 μm, you can use the equation v = c/λ, where v is the frequency, c is the speed of light (3.00 x 10^8 m/s), and λ is the wavelength in meters. First, convert 9.6 μm to meters (1 μm = 1 x 10^-6 m), then plug the values into the equation to find the frequency in s^-1. The frequency corresponding to a wavelength of 9.6 μm is approximately 3.125 x 10^13 s^-1.

A wave with a frequency of 0.5 Hz and a speed of 10 has a wavelength of?

Wavelength = (speed) divided by (frequency) = 10/0.5 = 20

How long is a rope if its standing wave fundamental frequency has a wavelength of 10 meters?

The length of the rope would be half the wavelength of the standing wave, so in this case, the rope would be 5 meters long. This is because the fundamental frequency of the standing wave has one full wavelength, which corresponds to half the length of the rope.

What frequency corresponds to an absorption line at 527nm?

The frequency corresponding to an absorption line at 527 nm can be calculated using the formula: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. Plugging in the values, the frequency is approximately 5.70 x 10^14 Hz.

What frequency have the shortest wavelength?

For light they would be gamma rays, or waves with a frequency greater than 1 * 10^20 (10000000000000000000) Hz. And really, as a general rule, the higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength. If you want to calculate the frequency or wavelength you take the speed of light (~3.00*10^8 m/s) and divide it by either the frequency or wavelength, and your answer will be the wavelength (if you used frequency) or the frequency (if you used wavelength).

What is a mathematical relationship between frequency wavelength and wave speed?

The mathematical relationship between frequency, wavelength, and wave speed can be described by the equation: wave speed = frequency x wavelength. This means that the speed of a wave is equal to the product of its frequency and wavelength. As the frequency of a wave increases, the wavelength decreases, and vice versa.

What is the wavelength of a light frequency 7.21 x 10 14?

The wavelength of the light frequency can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of light / frequency. Given the frequency of 7.21 x 10^14 Hz and the speed of light as 3 x 10^8 m/s, you can calculate the wavelength to be approximately 4.16 x 10^-7 meters.