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The British decimal Penny weighs 3.56 grams.

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Q: What is the weight of 3600000 1p coins?
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How many ways to make 10 pence with coins?

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How many 1p coins would it take to weigh a ton?

1p = 3.56g;1Ton = 1000kg = 1000000g;1000000 / 3.56 = 280 898.876 1p coins

When was 1p made?

In the United Kingdom the first 1p coins were in 1971

How much is a set of 1p coin from the year 1967?

its worth around 1p i see lots of coins from 1967. Surely no 1p coins in 1967? Decimalisation was 1970. Do you mean One Old Penny coins, as wide as £2 coins?

How much does and pound1 worth of 1p weigh?

£1 worth of 1p coins would weigh 100 grams, as there are 100 1p coins in £1. Each 1p coin weighs approximately 3.56 grams.

How many 1p coins are in 1pounds?

one hundred 1p x 100 = £1

What is 20 percent of 3600000?

20% of 3600000= 20% * 3600000= 0.2 * 3600000= 720,000

What do 100 1p coins weigh?


If i got 3 coins and they all add up to 11 pence but one of them ain't a 1p piece how can this be?

because one of the other coins is a 1p

How many 1p coins would make a straight line 1 m long?

exactly 49.212598425196850393700787401575 1p coins they are 20.32 mm thickhowever pre 1992 coins were made of bronze, opposed to the copper plated steel now used which is lighter so they have to be thicker to make them heavier (so they can be counted by machines by weight).

What are the ways to make 38p using 1p 2p 5p 10p 20p coins?

There are 201 ways and I regret that I do not have the will to list them. One of each coin or 38 of 1p coins are the 2 extremes.

How many 1p coins make 1 pound?

100x1p coins make a pound..