One word that is sometimes used is "downsizing".
word form
"One million one thousand" is the way to write the number "1,001,000" in word format. The person who has that amount in assets and money is called a millionaire.
Zillion is a nonsense word that implies many. It is not a number.
Why post this? There are things called dictionaries, get one, got it? Good.
number one is called yksi
The word for number 4 in Gujarati is called CHAAR. It is pronounced in English as "CHA-ARE"
A number of disorderly people may be called a "mob."
A palindrome.
In any multiplication sum, for example, 6 x 3 = 18, the first number is called a multiplier. The second number, the number by which it is being multiplied, is called the multiplicand. The third number, the answer to the sum, is called the product.
Its called Word Size :)
The Word Size.
One word that is sometimes used is "downsizing".
What is best for the majority is called: what is best for the majority. There is no exact word for it in my knowledge.
The number one in Indonesian is called satu.
word form