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Q: What is the word for imperfect dilation?
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What is the medical term meaning imperfect dilation of the lungs or the collapse of an alveolus?

Atelectasis is the medical term for the imperfect dilation of the lungs or the collapse of an alveolus. Atelectasis can be caused by various factors such as blockage of the airways, pressure on the lung, or inadequate surfactant production. Treatment usually involves addressing the underlying cause and providing respiratory support if necessary.

What is the suffix for the word imperfect?

prefix for imperfect

Word root for dilation of an artery?

The word root for dilation of an artery is "vaso-" or "vas-" as in vasodilation.

Write an antonym by adding a prefix to the word perfect.?

nonperfect, or an older word not used much today is unperfect.

How many syllables in imperfect?

The word "imperfect" has three syllables.

What is the base word to imperfect?

The root word in imperfect is perfect and the prefix is im meaning not. Im-Perfect=Not-Perfect

What is a Sentence for the word imperfect?

No one is perfect, so therefore everyone is imperfect.

What is the antonym for the word imperfect?


What word describes humans?


What does the word dilation in geometry mean?

Getting bigger. Dilation factor of 2, then it would get twice the size.

What is the root word and meaing for the root word of imperfect?

The root word of "imperfect" is "perfect," which comes from the Latin word "perfectus," meaning "completed" or "accomplished." The prefix "im-" is added to suggest negation or absence, thus "imperfect" means not completed or not fully accomplished.

What is a word is opposite for the word angel?

Devil, imperfect, flawed