The word form of the decimal number 0.000354 is: three hundred fifty-four millionths.
Word name for decimal 0.95 is ninety five hundredths.
The word name for the decimal 2.0003 is "two and three thousandths."
The word decimal comes from ten. So without the number 10, decimal would have no meaning.
when we place point in a number we call it decimal
The word form of the decimal number 0.000354 is: three hundred fifty-four millionths.
one hundred seven and five hundred sixty-eight thousandths.
Word name for decimal 0.95 is ninety five hundredths.
The word name for the decimal 2.0003 is "two and three thousandths."
Be sure you put the decimal point in the right spot. The decimal in that number is after the 2.
The word decimal comes from ten. So without the number 10, decimal would have no meaning.
seven thousandths
Thirteen thousandths
No, "is" is a two-character word.