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Q: What is the word plane means in math term?
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What math term can you figure out which Latin word means many?

multiply, multiplication, multiple

What does conclusion mean in math term?

conclusion in geometry means the answer that you and your group came up to and that is what the word conclusion means in geometry.

What does the math term gaps mean?

The word gap means a big space with no #s on a line plot.

How do you say not fair in one word?

Well, of course there's unfair. There's also a math term that means not fair in one word. It means "influence in an unfair way". The word is bias.

What does the word quadrant in math mean?

it means one of four sections90 degrees of 360 degrees in a circleWhen the term is used, it is generally referring to one of the four sections of a coordinate plane (grid/graph). The sections are formed by the X and Y axis.

What math term means one in latin?

The term unit is derived from the Latin word unus, meaning one. Source is from my Dictionary (the actual book, not the Internet).

What is a math word for putting together?

The math term for putting together is addition (adding; to add, sum, or combine).

What is the math term for the word mean?


What is the math term for length?

There is no other mathematical term for the word, length.

What is the math term of the word arc?

Arc is a term for caculating the radius

What is the example of a term in math?

I wish I knew what was an example of a term but, I think its a word describingsomething in math. I think. :p lol

Is anatomy a form of math?

no- anatomy is not a branch of math nor a math term. Anatomy is a word from biological science.