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Two millimeters is twice as thin as four millimeters.

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Q: What is thinner 2 millimeter or 4 millimeter?
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How many centimeters equal to 40 millimeter?

40 millimeter = 4 centimeters

How many millimeter are in 4 teaspoons?

Millimeter is measure of length, incompatible with volume.

What is larger diameter .25 millimeter or .2 millimeter?

It is .25 mm that is the larger diameter

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Is the iPod 4 or 5 thinner?

The 5 is thinner. The 4 is .28 inches thick, and the 5 is .24 inches thick.

What is 2 times one millimeter?

2 millimeters

How to understand auto paint mixing ratios?

A mixing ratio given as 4:2:1 normally means 4 parts of base product, 2 parts thinner/reducer, and 1 part hardener.However, some paint manufactures add hardener second, and thinner/reducer last.

How big is 6-millimeter?

About 1/4 of an inch.

What can be measured in millimetres?

well a pencil can be measured in millimeterseach millimeter equals to a cm.e.g: 1 millimeter is 10 centimeter and 2 millimeter is 20 centimeterand it goes on.

What is a tenth of a centimeter?

1 Millimeter Hope that helps! -ElectroGoofy That's called a millimeter.

millimeters = 4 centimeters?

4 centimeter is 40 millimeter.

What is 2 1 over 4 in the nearest hundredth of a millimeter?

2 1 over 4 has no meaning. If it is a number, it cannot be expressed as a quantity of length. If it is a length we need to know what unit it is, and secondly what 2 1 over 4 is in proper mathematical format.