Seconds is the SI unit of time
A unit of time cannot be compared to a unit of length.
Sixty seconds is equivalent to one minute.
Time is not a unit of measurement, but there are measurements that are done in units of time. Examples are seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years.
A yard is a unit of length. A second is a unit of time. The two units are therefore incompatible.
Seconds is the SI unit of time
Time is a measure of the duration of an event, while seconds are a unit of time measurement. One minute is equivalent to 60 seconds, one hour is equivalent to 3600 seconds, and so on. Seconds allow for more precise measurement of time intervals.
The SI unit for time is Seconds.
SI unit for time is seconds. Symbol used is "s"
Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds. Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds. Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds. Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds.
Seconds are the units. They are the unit of time
The SI unit for time is seconds (s).
There are no seconds in feet. Feet is a unit of measurement while seconds is a unit of Time.
A light second is a unit of distance, not a unit of time.
If t represents time, then the SI unit is seconds, but it could be hours, days or years.If t represents time, then the SI unit is seconds, but it could be hours, days or years.If t represents time, then the SI unit is seconds, but it could be hours, days or years.If t represents time, then the SI unit is seconds, but it could be hours, days or years.
Yes, seconds are a metric unit. They are part of the International System of Units (SI) and are used to measure time.