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Sixty seconds is equivalent to one minute.

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Q: What unit of time does sixty seconds equal?
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What are the homograph for minute?

The homograph for "minute" is "minute." It can mean both a unit of time equal to sixty seconds and to describe something very small or insignificant.

Is the word minutes a noun?

Yes, the word "minutes" is a noun. It is commonly used to refer to a unit of time equal to sixty seconds or a written record of a meeting or discussion.

What is a yottasecond?

A yottasecond is a unit of time equal to 1024 seconds.

What is a zettasecond?

A zettasecond is a unit of time equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10^21) seconds.

What is an attosecond?

An attosecond is an SI unit of time equal to 10 ^ -18 seconds.

What is an hour?

An hour is a unit of time measurement equal to 60 minutes, or 3600 seconds.

What is the unit of seconds?

Seconds is the SI unit of time

How much time is in a second?

A second is a unit of time equal to 1/60th of a minute or 1/3,600th of an hour. It is commonly used as the base unit for measuring shorter intervals of time.

Time and seconds are related how?

Time is a measure of the duration of an event, while seconds are a unit of time measurement. One minute is equivalent to 60 seconds, one hour is equivalent to 3600 seconds, and so on. Seconds allow for more precise measurement of time intervals.

What is unit for time?

The SI unit for time is Seconds.

What SI Unit Time?

SI unit for time is seconds. Symbol used is "s"

What is 5.10 in decimal to time?

Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds. Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds. Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds. Since the standard unit for measuring time is a second, the answer is 5.10 seconds.