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Q: What is to say something is greater than it is go beyond the truth?
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What word means situated above?

aloft, beyond, high, raised, upon, overhead, over, larger than, greater than

Can you give me another word for greater than?

higher in amount; beyond; larger than

How is truth more than a fact?

Truth is not more than a fact, simply because a fact is the truth about something. A fact is basically defined as being something that is in existence or is based on an actual occurrence.

What is the meaning of there is no greater lie than a truth misunderstood?

It simply means that it is worse to tell the truth to someone and have them misunderstand it than just to say a flat-out lie.

What whole numbers are greater than 100?

101, 102, 103... to infinity and beyond.

Is the gcf of a pair of numbers ever greater than both numbers?

No, it's never greater than the lesser number.

Is 125 percent greater than 1.25?

No, because 125% = 1.25. Something cannot be equal to and greater than something else at the same time.

What is a math inequality?

An inequality is when a variable and its coeefecient is greater than something. For example, 5x is greater than 2.

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What does it mean to transcend?

To transcend means to go beyond or rise above something, often surpassing limitations or boundaries. It can refer to achieving a higher state of being or consciousness that is beyond the ordinary or material aspects of life.

What does beyond your skis mean?

It means that something is out past your skis. Perhaps you meant to type "beyond your skills," which is not an idiom. Skills are talents you have or activities that you are well-trained in. Beyond means past or further than you can reach. If something is beyond your skills, you can't do it.

What does the answer to an inequality tell you?

If something is greater than, less than or different than the second thing.