The question is underspecified.What is the percentage required relative to:Roman Catholics in the world?Total population of Rome?Christian population of Rome?
Population Density = Total Population Divided By Total Area.In a simpler way, population over area
North America has about 7% the world's population and accounts for 1/3 of the world's economic output.
You take the total number of deaths and divide it by the total population, then times that by 100 and you will get the total death rate.
Population is total number of people who live in a geographical area
As of 2021, China's population is estimated to be around 18.41% of the total world population.
The World Population is 12500
There are approximately 3,324,047,000 men in the world, out of a total population of 6,615,852,000. This represents 50.24% of the total population.
As of 2013, the world's total population was estimated at 7.17 billion, by USCB.
According to the TIME Almanac 2009: As of mid-2008, the total world Jewish population was estimated at 15.1 million, or two tenths of one percent (0.2%) of total world population.
As of 2013, the world's total population was estimated at 7.17 billion, by USCB.
Approximately 0.4% of the world's population lives in Texas. Texas has a population of around 29 million people, while the world's population is over 7.9 billion.
33,800,000 people. 0.5% of the total world's population.
It was about 7.1 billion.