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Another sparse matrix.

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Q: What is transpose of the sparse matrix?
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What is a fast-transpose algorithm for sparse matrices?

A fast-transpose is a computer algorithm that quickly transposes a sparse matrix using a relatively small amount of memory. Using arrays normally to record a sparse matrix uses up a lot of memory since many of the matrix's values are zero. In addition, using the normal transpose algorithm to transpose this matrix will take O(cols*elements) amount of time. The fast-transpose algorithm only uses a little memory to record the matrix and takes only O(cols+elements) amount of time, which is efficient considering the number of elements equals cols*rows.

Is it true that the transpose of the transpose of a matrix is the original matrix?

yes, it is true that the transpose of the transpose of a matrix is the original matrix

What is a sparse matrix?

A sparse matrix is a matrix in which most of the elements are zero.

What is the definition of transpose in regards to a matrix?

The Transpose of a MatrixThe matrix of order n x m obtained by interchanging the rows and columns of the m X n matrix, A, is called the transpose of A and is denoted by A' or AT.

Transpose matrix in data structure?

DataStructure-Program to transpose a sparse matrix.#include #include #include #define MAX1 3#define MAX2 3struct sparse{int *sp ;int row ;} ;void initsparse ( struct sparse * ) ;void create_array ( struct sparse * ) ;void display ( struct sparse ) ;int count ( struct sparse ) ;void create_tuple ( struct sparse *, struct sparse ) ;void display_tuple ( struct sparse ) ;void transpose ( struct sparse *, struct sparse ) ;void display_transpose ( struct sparse ) ;void delsparse ( struct sparse * ) ;void main( ){struct sparse s[3] ;int c, i ;for ( i = 0 ; i sp = ( int * ) malloc ( MAX1 * MAX2 * sizeof ( int ) ) ;for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX1 * MAX2 ; i++ ){printf ( "Enter element no. %d:", i ) ;scanf ( "%d", &n ) ;* ( p -> sp + i ) = n ;}}/* displays the contents of the matrix */void display ( struct sparse s ){int i ;/* traverses the entire matrix */for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX1 * MAX2 ; i++ ){/* positions the cursor to the new line for every new row */if ( i % MAX2 0 )printf ( "\n" ) ;printf ( "%d\t", * ( p.sp + i ) ) ;}}/* deallocates memory */void delsparse ( struct sparse *p ){free ( p -> sp ) ;}

What is a symmetric matrix?

a square matrix that is equal to its transpose

How to identify Sparse matrix?

A sparse matrix is one which normally contains a large proportion of elements whose value is 0. There is no exact proportion at which a matrix becomes sparse.

Wap to build a sparse matrix as an arraywrite functions to check if the sparse matrix is a square diagonal or lower triangular or upper triagular or tridiagonal matrix?

write a programe to build a sparse matrix as an array. write function to check if the sparse matrix is a square, diagonal,lower triangular, upper triangular or tridiagonal matrix

How do you find transportation of matrix?

Invert rows and columns to get the transpose of a matrix

What is the application of sparse matrix?

A sparse matrix is matrix that allows special techniques to take advantage of large number of zero element. Application of sparse matrix is classification and relationship analysis in large data base system - SPARCOM

What is the meaning of transpose?

The transpose of a matrix A is the matrix B that is obtained by swapping the rows and columns of A into the columns and rows of B. In algebraic form, if A = {aij} then B = {aji} is its transpose, where 1 &le; i &le; n and 1 &le; j &le; m.

Program for transpose of sparse matrix?

#include &lt;stdio.h&gt; #define MAX1 3 #define MAX2 3 struct sparse { int *sp ; int row ; } ; void initsparse ( struct sparse * ) ; void create_array ( struct sparse * ) ; void display ( struct sparse ) ; int count ( struct sparse ) ; void create_tuple ( struct sparse *, struct sparse ) ; void display_tuple ( struct sparse ) ; void transpose ( struct sparse *, struct sparse ) ; void display_transpose ( struct sparse ) ; void delsparse ( struct sparse * ) ; void main( ) { struct sparse s[3] ; int c, i ; for ( i = 0 ; i &lt;= 2 ; i++ ) initsparse ( &amp;s[i] ); create_array ( &amp;s[0] ) ; printf ( "\nElements in Sparse Matrix: " ) ; display ( s[0] ) ; c = count ( s[0] ) ; printf ( "\n\nNumber of non-zero elements: %d", c ) ; create_tuple ( &amp;s[1], s[0] ) ; printf ( "\n\nArray of non-zero elements: " ) ; display_tuple ( s[1] ) ; transpose ( &amp;s[2], s[1] ) ; printf ( "\n\nTranspose of array: " ) ; display_transpose ( s[2] ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i &lt;= 2 ; i++ ) delsparse ( &amp;s[i] ); } /* initialises data members */ void initsparse ( struct sparse *p ) { p -&gt; sp = NULL ; } /* dynamically creates the matrix of size MAX1 x MAX2 */ void create_array ( struct sparse *p ) { int n, i ; p -&gt; sp = ( int * ) malloc ( MAX1 * MAX2 * sizeof ( int ) ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i &lt; MAX1 * MAX2 ; i++ ) { printf ( "Enter element no. %d:", i ) ; scanf ( "%d", &amp;n ) ; * ( p -&gt; sp + i ) = n ; } } /* displays the contents of the matrix */ void display ( struct sparse s ) { int i ; /* traverses the entire matrix */ for ( i = 0 ; i &lt; MAX1 * MAX2 ; i++ ) { /* positions the cursor to the new line for every new row */ if ( i % MAX2 0 ) printf ( "\n" ) ; printf ( "%d\t", * ( p.sp + i ) ) ; } } /* deallocates memory */ void delsparse ( struct sparse *p ) { free ( p -&gt; sp ) ; }