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They correspond to only one phase on a phase diagram.

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Q: What is true about the regions between the curved lines on a heating curve?
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What is the difference between a heating curve and a cooling curve?

heating curve is hotter than the cooling curve

What is the root word for curved?

The root word for curved is "curve."

How the slope of a curved line at a point can be found?

The slope of a curved line at a point is the slope of the tangent to the curve at that point. If you know the equation of the curve and the curve is well behaved, you can find the derivative of the equation of the curve. The value of the derivative, at the point in question, is the slope of the curved line at that point.

Why is the letter A like a flower?

Both the flower and the letter a are curved because the a has a curve and the flower has pedals that are curved.

Why bh curve is curve?

i believe it's called 'curve' because of the shape, it's curved ...

What are the types of curved lines?

Restrained , Simple Curve , Full Curve And Compound

Difference between line of best fit and curve of best fit?

one is straight and one is curved simple

A curve showing the relationship between temperature and time for a given amount of liquid heated a constant rate is a what curve?

The curve showing the relationship between temperature and time for a given amount of liquid heated at a constant rate is called a "heating curve." This curve is mapped out on a graph.

Why demand curve is horizontally curved?


What is a curve in math?

it is a line on a graph that is curved

What is the different between a curve banana and a straight banana?

A curved banana is a gay banana and a straight banana is not a gay banana.

What is a curve showing the relationship between temperature and time for a given amount of liquid heated at a constant rate?

It is a heating curve. It shows the temperature changes over time as a substance is heated continuously at a constant rate, highlighting phase changes and plateaus in temperature where energy is absorbed to overcome intermolecular forces.