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Theories are ideas accepted as most likely true. Theories are basically hypotheses which have been tested many times by many people and are found to be true.

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Q: What is true hypothesis are rarely rejected as false a theory is basically the same as a hypothesis therios are ideas accepted as most likely true all scientific studies are share?
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Why a new scientific hypothesis might be accepted or rejected?

Observational evidence

What causes a hypothesis to be rejected?

A hypothesis will be rejected if it fails the necessary testing required for it to become a scientific theory.

Why can an accepted hypothesis be rejected at a later date?

The answer to the question why is this: It can be rejected at a later date because it is falsifiable in nature if it is a good hypothesis. If you meant to ask HOW it can be rejected, the answer is by way of further experimentation that rules out some or all of the hypothesis as stated.

Which of these best describes the basis on which new scientific ideas are accepted or rejected?

New scientific ideas are typically accepted or rejected based on the evidence supporting them. Ideas that are consistent with experimental data and can be replicated by other researchers are more likely to be accepted. Conversely, ideas that lack evidence or are inconsistent with established scientific principles are more likely to be rejected.

Which of these statements is trueA theory is basically the same as a hypothesis.Theories are ideas accepted as most likely true.Hypotheses are rarely rejected as false.All scientific studies are shared through publication?


In scientific method An hypothesis is accepted when it is above the cut-off value and it is rejected when it is below the cut-off value. If our statistical analysis shows that the significance level i?

If the statistical analysis shows that the significance level is below the predetermined alpha level (cut-off value), then the hypothesis is rejected. This suggests that there is enough evidence to believe that the results are not due to random chance. If the significance level is above the alpha level, then the hypothesis is accepted, indicating that the results are not statistically significant and may be due to random variation.

What is a conclusion based on information?

A conclusion sums up all your observations,inference, and hypothesis in the experiment based on the data collected. This is to prove whether your hypothesis is accepted or rejected.

What describes the basis on which new scientific ideas are accepted or rejected?

New scientific ideas are typically accepted or rejected based on evidence, experimental results, and how well they align with existing theories and principles. Ideas that can be tested, replicated, and provide new insights into the natural world are more likely to be accepted. Peer review by other experts in the field also plays a crucial role in evaluating the validity and significance of new scientific ideas.

When scientists rejected the continental drift were they using the scientific process?

Yes, scientists were using the scientific process when they rejected the continental drift theory. The process involves proposing a hypothesis, testing it through observations and experiments, and revising or rejecting it based on the evidence. In this case, scientists rejected the theory because they did not find enough supporting evidence at the time.

What is Rejected Hypothesis?

It is when you know that your hypothesis is wrong.

What happens if a hypothesis does not explain an observation?

If a hypothesis does not explain an observation, it may be rejected as a valid explanation for that particular phenomenon. Scientists typically revise or discard hypotheses that fail to account for observed data in order to develop more accurate models and theories. This iterative process helps refine our understanding of the natural world.

What happens if a hypothesis is rejected?

You cant go through the full scientific method process.(Because the 7th step is drawing conclusions & checking whether your hypothesis is right or wrong.)