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In that case, the discriminant is not a perfect square.

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Q: What is true of the disciminant when the two real numbers solutions to a quadratic equation are irrational numbers?
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If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is -4 how many solutions does the equation have?

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is less then 0 then it will have no real solutions.

How many real solutions does a quadratic equation have if its discriminant is negative?

The quadratic has no real solutions.

What is equadtratic equation?

A quadratic equation normally has 2 solutions and can be solved by using the quadratic equation formula.

What indicates that the roots of a quadratic are irrational?

In the quadratic equation, b^2 - 4ac < 0.

What are 3 other names for solutions of a quadratic equation?

Roots, zeroes, and x values are 3 other names for solutions of a quadratic equation.

In general how many distinct solutions are there to a quadratic equation?

the maximum number of solutions to a quadratic equation is 2. However, usually there is only 1.

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If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is equal or greater than zero it will have 2 solutions if it is less than zero then there are no solutions.

What is quadratic linear function?

It is a quadratic equation that normally has two solutions

How many real solutions can the quadratic formula give?

A quadratic equation can have either two real solutions or no real solutions.

What is true about the solutions of a quadratic equation when the radicand of the quadratic formula is a perfect square?

The two solutions are coincident.

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What can a quadratic equation not have?

-- three solutions -- puppies