29/5 = 5.8
You seem to be unaware of the fact that you could have obtained the answer much more easily and quickly by using the calculator that comes as part of your computer.
9 and 3/25
5,920 / 10 = 592.
5,798 to 3 decimals
Twenty five thousand forty nine
That is "twenty nine point five, six, seven, five"
9 and 3/25
5,920 / 10 = 592.
5,798 to 3 decimals
Nine divided by 40 is .225 or two hundred twenty five thousandths.
Nine hundred twenty-five dollars and 00/100 or 925.00
Nine and seven hundred twenty-five thousandths.
Twenty five thousand forty nine
That is "twenty nine point five, six, seven, five"
29,035 ' 'Twenty nine thousand and thirty five'.
about 0.275862
It is 0.1754386