Twenty one hundred in standard form is written as 2100. In standard form, numbers are expressed in the form of a single digit followed by any necessary zeros.
Eight hundred one thousand eight hundred twenty-two in standard form
Six hundred twenty-one thousandths in standard form = 6.21 × 10-1
The standard form is 71,821,010
Word form = one million, three hundred ninety-eight thousand, five hundred twenty-one. Standard form = 1,398,521
Eight hundred one thousand eight hundred twenty-two in standard form
Six hundred twenty-one thousandths in standard form = 6.21 × 10-1
One hundred twenty-three and sixty-two hundredths in standard form is 123.62
The standard form is 125,000
The standard form is 2,155,120
The standard form is 71,821,010
Word form = one million, three hundred ninety-eight thousand, five hundred twenty-one. Standard form = 1,398,521