thirty percent of twenty five thousand pounds = £7500 30% of £25000 = 30% * £25000 = 30%/100% * £25000 = £7500
20% of 235 is 47.
$30,000 x .25 = $7500.
thirty three and one third percent of twenty five billion dollars =$833250000033 1/3% of $25000000000= 33.33% * $25000000000= 0.3333 * $25000000000= $8332500000
30% of 25 = 30% * 25 = 0.3 * 25 = 7.5
thirty percent of twenty five thousand pounds = £7500 30% of £25000 = 30% * £25000 = 30%/100% * £25000 = £7500
33% of 25,000 = 8,250
20% of 235 is 47.
25 x 0.34 = 8.5
$30,000 x .25 = $7500.
700. 20 x 5=100, and 700 x 5=3,500, or thirty-five hundred.
thirty three and one third percent of twenty five billion dollars =$833250000033 1/3% of $25000000000= 33.33% * $25000000000= 0.3333 * $25000000000= $8332500000
30% of 25 = 30% * 25 = 0.3 * 25 = 7.5
35% of 20,000 = 35% * 20000 = 0.35 * 20000 = 7,000
39.75*20/100 = 7.95
Eighty percent of twenty five is twenty.