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Q: What is unbalanced transportation matrix?
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What is the difference between unbalanced transportation and unbalanced assignment problem?

model sum

How do you find transportation of matrix?

Invert rows and columns to get the transpose of a matrix

How do you transform an unbalanced transportation problem into a balced transportation problem?

By adding Dummy Destination. Also see Dummy Destination for more info.

Difference between transportation and assignment problem?

Total supply must equal to total demand in the transportation problem,but each supply and demand value is 1 in the assignment problem.

balanced vs unbalanced transportation models differentiated?

In balanced transportation models, the supply of transportation modes is equal to the demand, ensuring efficient allocation of resources. Unbalanced transportation models, on the other hand, have mismatches between supply and demand, leading to inefficiencies and potential congestion. Balancing transportation models is essential for optimizing network performance and improving overall transportation system effectiveness.

Matrix T is the proportion of high school and middle school students who travel to school by bus or other forms of transportation, while matrix N is the number of high school and middle school students who travel to school. What is the matrix product TN?

123, 150 160, 192

What do you knwo about The balancing of Transportation Model. If unbalanced then remedy.?

The balancing of a transportation model involves ensuring that total supply equals total demand for all products and destinations. If the transportation model is unbalanced, meaning supply does not equal demand, the remedy involves adding a dummy source or destination to balance them out. This dummy source or destination is assigned a cost of zero to maintain the overall balance of the transportation model.

Is an unbalanced desk an example of an unbalanced force?

No, an unbalanced desk is not an example of an unbalanced force. An unbalanced force refers to a force that causes motion or a change in motion, while an unbalanced desk is simply an object that is not level.

Why plasma is called liquid matrix?

Plasma is often referred to as a liquid matrix because it is the liquid component of blood that carries cells and proteins throughout the body. It acts as a matrix supporting the transportation of essential nutrients, gases, and waste products. Plasma is a crucial part of the circulatory system and plays a vital role in maintaining overall health.

When do you say that the force is unbalanced?

When an object accelerates, the force is unbalanced.

What kind of force create movement balanced or unbalanced?


How do you use the word unbalanced in a sentence?

the man was unbalanced on the ball