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The term is "perimeter", and it is the sum of the lengths of the sides. Note that if the object in question is a circle, the perimeter is called the "circumference."

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Q: What is used for the distance around the outside of an object?
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What is perimeter used for?

The distance around the outside.

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a line used to mark the outside of an object

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Speed=Distance travelled by the object /Time taken to cover the distance.

Is outside a preposition?

Yes, it is a preposition. But it can be an adverb when used without an object (e.g. Go outside.)

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Work. Work is done on an object when a force causes the object to move over a certain distance in the same direction as the force applied. Work is calculated as the product of force and distance.

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An outside border is a line or edge that surrounds the outer boundary of an object, such as a document, image, or table. It is often used to define the limits or separation of the object from its surroundings.

Work is done when a force is used to do what to an object over a certain distance?

Work is done when a force is used to move an object.Work = force x distance.

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"Displacement sensors measure the distance an object moves and they can also be used to measure object height and width".

What word is used to describe when a force cause an object to move?

The word used to describe when a force causes an object to move is "work." Work is the product of the force applied to an object and the distance the object is moved in the direction of the force.

A perimeter of a circle the distance around a circle?

A perimeter is the distance around two-dimensional shapes. The circumference is the distance around a circle. Typically the distance around polygons is a perimeter and circumference is used for closed curves.