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Q: What is used to mark the perimeter or outline of a frame?
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What does word perimeter mean?

A perimeter is a path that surrounds an area. The word comes from the Greek peri (around) and meter(measure). The term may be used either for the path or its length - it can be thought of as the length of the outline of a shape. The perimeter of a circular area is called circumference.

When do you used outline?

Outline titles are always capitalized.

What is used to create a conventional outline?

the outline view.

What is flag in networking?

in data transmission or processing it is like a sequence of bits used to mark the beginning and end of the frame .

What does primeter mean?

A perimeter is a path that surrounds an area. The word comes from the Greek peri (around) and meter(measure). The term may be used either for the path or its length - it can be thought of as the length of the outline of a shape.

What is the purpose of flower outline?

There are several different purposes of a flower outline. One purpose is that a flower outline can be used as a template to make a stencil. A flower outline can also be used in graphic imaging software.

May the Beatitudes be used as an outline of Christian reading?

The Beatitudes may be used as an outline of Christian living.

What type of outline should not be used when writing a term paper?

sentence outline

How and where is it used perimeter of triangle?

The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of its 3 sides

When A formal outline is typically used instead of an informal outline?

preparing to write an essay. =]

Is perimeter used on flooring?

Perimeter is used on flooring to help determine the area which will be covered. Unfortunately, perimeter does not take into consideration the obstructions inside which will not require covering.

Which type of outline most likely to be used first when preparing to write a paper?

topic outline