Proper fractions.
Used to relate parts or percentages to the whole
It is the numerator of a fraction which is above the denominator.
circle graph (aka pie chart)
A pier chart is used to compare relative parts of a whole.
Proper fractions.
Used to relate parts or percentages to the whole
It is the numerator of a fraction which is above the denominator.
A "pie" chart would do this.
A pie chart is used to represent parts of a whole.
circle graph (aka pie chart)
A pier chart is used to compare relative parts of a whole.
The figure of speech used to represent the whole of a part or part of a whole is called synecdoche. It involves using a specific part of something to represent the entire thing or using the entire thing to represent just a part of it.
A pier chart is used to compare relative parts of a whole.
Yes. A pie chart is used to visually compare the parts of the whole.
A pier chart is used to compare relative parts of a whole.
A pier chart is used to compare relative parts of a whole.