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Q: What is value that is measured by slope?
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Why is slope measured in m?

because it is

What is the slope of a line that passes through a and b?

The slope is[ (y-value of 'b') - (y-value of 'a') ] / [ (x-value of 'b') - (x-value of 'a') ]

What does it mean if a slope is numerically a higher value than another slope what are some examples in the real world?

What does it mean if a slope is numerically a higher value than another slope

What if actual value - measured value is negative?

Then the measured value is larger than the actual value.

What can the slope of a straight line be measured by?

The slope of a straight line can't be measured in units. If it is a horizontal line then there is no slope because the rise over run is 0/x, which equals zero because zero divided by everything is zero. If the line is vertical then the slope is undefined because the rise over run is x/o.

How do you get a slope?

Your Y value divided by your X value.

In a plot of absorbance vs concentration what does the slope represent?

The slope of a plot of absorbance vs. concentration represents the molar absorptivity (also known as the molar absorptivity coefficient or extinction coefficient) of the compound being measured. It indicates how strongly the compound absorbs light at a specific wavelength, and a higher slope indicates a higher absorbance for a given concentration.

What is the slope of -4x2?

The slope changes as the value of x changes. For any point x, the slope is -8x.

Does a stream with a shallow or no slope have a high or low gradient?

low slope and gradient are the same thing - just measured in different units

What is an negative slope?

A negative slope is a slope occurs whenever an increase in the x value of the equation of a line causes the y value to decrease. If you're looking at the graph, the line with slope downwards from left to right.

What can you determine about the steepness of a line in terms of its slope?

Its steepness is the absolute value of its slope.

What does an positive slope look like?

a positive slope is a slope which increases in value "y" as well as its value for "x" i.e. (0,0)(2,2) would be listed as positive because the values increase olong the slope of the line