

What is vorticity vector?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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13y ago

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The vorticity vector is DelxV = v/r sin(RV)H1, the Curl of the vector V. The unit vector H1, is perpendicular to the plane formed by the radius vector R and and the vector V.

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west wind at 700 millibar transporting dry air, and a northwesterly wind in the upperGreater than 200 knots Incredible divergence150 to 200 knots Large divergence100 to 149 knots Good divergence70 to 99 knots Marginal divergenceLess than 70 knots Small divergence(8) 500 millibar vorticity - Vorticity is a function of trough curvature, earth vorticity, and speed gradients. When using models to assess strength of vorticity you will notice a value is given for the VORT MAX. The higher the value, the higher the potential upper level divergence. Below is a guide to 500 millibar vorticity and upper level divergence. If the values of vorticity are being rapidly advected, divergence will "in the real world" be much more than if the winds through the vorticity maximum are stationary or moving slowly.40+ Incredible divergence30+ Very large divergence20-29 Large divergenceTeens Descent divergenceLess than 12 Low but positive divergenceClick here for a more in-depth presentation on supercell thunderstorm structure and evolution.

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