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Q: What is well defined in mathematics?
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Is ray a undefined term?

In mathematics, a ray is a well-defined concept. A ray has one endpoint and extends indefinitely in one direction. So, a ray is not considered an undefined term in mathematics.

Do linear function have a defined slope?

Not all linear functions have defined slope. In two dimension it is definet but in three dimensions it cant be defined; For that direction ratios are defined in mathematics.

What is the mening of a set?

A set is a well defined collection of elements. By well defined, we mean that an element is either in a set or not in a set, but not both. This definitions necessarily seems rather vague, as the notion of a set is taken as an undefined primitive in axiomatic set theory; everything has a beginning, including mathematics.


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well defined

What is subgroup in mathematics?

In mathematics, a subgroup H of a group G is a subset of G which is also a group with respect to the same group operation * defined on G. H contains the identity element of G, is closed with respect to *, and all elements of H have their inverses in H as well.

Geometery is defined as what?

Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the position, size, and shape of figures.

What are not well defined of a set?

Elements that have to be defined by personal judgement. Such as the set ofgreat songs is not well-defined. But the set of the English alphabet is well-defined.

Is weight and displacement a set of vectors?

No, weight and displacement is not a set of vectors. A vector in the area of mathematics is defined as a direction as well as a magnitude of a specific item. Vectors can be labeled in a variety of ways.

What is the difference between well-defined and not well- defined sets?

well-defined sets are sets that can identify easily while not well-defined are those that cannot determined easily :)

What are not well defined elements of a set?

Elements that have to be defined by personal judgement. Such as the set ofgreat songs is not well-defined. But the set of the English alphabet is well-defined.