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Q: What is work value mean?
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What does it mean when something detracts from a work of art?

reduces the value of it.

How do you estimate value of a manuscript?

You need to explain what you mean by 'value'. Are you concerned with the usefulness of a manuscript for academic work or financial value, or what?

How do you work the mean average?

The "mean" is the "average". In statistics, it is the commonly used terminology. The mean value of a set of numeric observations is the sum of that set of observations divided by the number of observations.

Why take root mean square value?

its the maxium value 0.707 RMS. Root mean square is conversion used to give you the DC equivalent Voltage, Current, and Power of an AC system. It converts AC ability to do work and represents it as a DC equivalent value.

What is a math typical value?

The mean is that value that is most commonly referred to as the average.The typical value is a synonym for the mean and average.The typical value is the mean.

What is value mean in Bahasa Malaysia?

value mean nilai

Critically explain the qualities that determine the value of a commodity?

Do you mean value or price. Price is determined by what consumers of the product will pay for it. Value would be what benefit they get from the product. For example if item X saved you an hour of work its value would be 1 hour of your time.

What is the mean of 367000?

The mean of a single value is the value itself, therefore, the mean of 367000 is equal to 367000.

What is population mean in statistics?

The population mean is the mean value of the entire population. Contrast this with sample mean, which is the mean value of a sample of the population.

What do you mean by value of a variable?

changing value

What does 'added value' mean in relation to a constrution project?

Think of building a new house (or anything else in fact). At the start, it has no value. As work progresses and the house takes shape, it could in principle be sold for a price reflecting the work that has gone into it. This increase calculated at any stage is the total added value so far, and the day-by-day increase would be the daily added value.

What is a negative correlation mean?

A negative correlation highlights the similarity of opposites. In a negative correlation, as the value of variable a increases, the value of variable b decreases. It can work the other way too, as the value of a decreases, the value of b increases. A negative correlation is also routinely referred to as an inverse. For instance, every time a person goes to jail, there is one less person in the work force. Therefore, incarceration rates, and work force numbers have an inverse relationship.