It depends on personal strengths and weaknesses.
Maths is more logical and English is more abstract or creative.
However, you need to be strong in both to successfully navigate a career. Keep your skills up and seek help if you must, but pay attention to both.
Both are very important. However maths could still be taught in other languages if English were not available.
It is not. Look at the millions of people across the world who do not speak English but are still doing maths.
The answer depends on what the experiment is about. For example, if you believe (or want to test) that pupils' scores in English tests depend on their scores in maths tests, then the independent variable is the maths score. But if you believe that the English scores influence their maths scores then the independent variable is the maths score.
Because it is easier
1. It got worse when it started raining.2. I am worse at maths than her.
because there is no mathematical terms in English and maths tends to suck anyway
In terms of maths, there is no particular sport that is - in any way - better or worse than another.
Maths guide in English
Unfortunately your knowledge of English is worse than your knowledge of maths so your question is difficult to decipher. Please reword it or get someone to help you reword it.
Both are very important. However maths could still be taught in other languages if English were not available.
Well most jobs will require a C in both Maths and English
Maths, English and Science
Maths, English and Science :)
science , maths , english , drama , gcse....... Expect he didnt do the following : science , maths , english , drama , gcse.