It is a linear equation in two unknown variables, y and c. One linear equation in two unknowns cannot be solved, it can only be arranged so that one or the other variable is the subject of the equation. However, that requires you to identify which variable is to be made the subject of the equation.
If the coordinates of the three vertices are (xa, ya), xb, yb) and (xc, yc) then the coordinates of the centroid are [(xa+xb+xc)/3, (ya+yb+yc)/3].
It depends on whether you mean median in terms of statistical data or the line joining a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side. The Statistical Median: If there are n observations where n is odd, then the median is the (n+1)/2 smallest observation. If n is even, then the median is the arithmetical mean of the n/2 and n/2+1 smallest observations. The Coordinate Geometry Median: Given triangle ABC, with A = (xa, ya), B = (xb, yb) and C = (xc, yc), the midpoint, D of BC is [(xb+xc)/2, (yb+yc)/2] and so, the equation of the median AD is (y-ya)/(x-xa) = (2ya-yb-yc)/(2xa-xb-xc)
that equals 2*2*2 which equals eight
No, it equals -2
== == 1 circle = 2 stars
if your talking about the rapper yc it Yung Chris
YC Alberta is currently held in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
No, hawk nelson is currebtly not coming to YC Alberta 2010.
Supervisor / Manager (YC) 2009 Low Estimate: 2.4 percent increase Pay Band 2: $58,518 - $113,346 2009 High Estimate: 3.4 percent increase Pay Band 2: $59,089 - $114,454
Christopher Miller
Let (xc,yc) be the centre of the circle Let r be the radius of the circle Let d be 3-2*r (d for decision) Let x be 0 Let y be r Repeat while x is less than y: Increment x If d is less than zero Let d be d + ( 4 * x ) + 6 Else Decrement y Let d be d + (( x - y ) * 4 ) + 10 End if Plot 8 points: ( xc+x, yc+y ) ( xc-x, yc+y ) ( xc+x, yc-y ) ( xc-x, yc-y ) ( xc+y, yc+x ) ( xc-y, yc+x ) ( xc+y, yc-x ) ( xc-y, yc-x ) End repeat
#include#include#includevoid main(){int gd=DETECT,gm=4,i;initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\\tc\\bgi");setcolor(3);for(i=0;i
If the coordinates of the three vertices are (xa, ya), xb, yb) and (xc, yc) then the coordinates of the centroid are [(xa+xb+xc)/3, (ya+yb+yc)/3].
Just find the midpoint of opposite corners Consider the rectangle with sides of length a and b. The length of a diagonal is then sqrt(a2+b2) The two diagonals cross at the midpoint or where the length of the line from one vertex to the center is one half of a diagonal or (0.5)[sqrt(a2+b2)]. 1- Consider you have Point A(XA,YA) corresponding to the upper left coordinate of the rectangle and you have Point B(XB, YB) corresponding to the lower right coordinate of the rectangle, then, coordinates of the center Point C (XC, YC) is calculated: XC = XA + (XB-XA)/2 YC = YA - (YA-XB)/2 2- Consider you have Point A(XA,YA) corresponding to the upper left coordinate of the rectangle and the width (W) and height (H) of the rectangle, then, coordinates of the center Point C (XC, YC) is calculated: XC = XA + (W)/2 YC = YA - (W)/2
It depends on whether you mean median in terms of statistical data or the line joining a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side. The Statistical Median: If there are n observations where n is odd, then the median is the (n+1)/2 smallest observation. If n is even, then the median is the arithmetical mean of the n/2 and n/2+1 smallest observations. The Coordinate Geometry Median: Given triangle ABC, with A = (xa, ya), B = (xb, yb) and C = (xc, yc), the midpoint, D of BC is [(xb+xc)/2, (yb+yc)/2] and so, the equation of the median AD is (y-ya)/(x-xa) = (2ya-yb-yc)/(2xa-xb-xc)