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Q: What is y to the negative tenth power?
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What is negative integer to the tenth power?

It will be the same as its positive counterpart to the tenth power.

X to the tenth power equals y?

Yes, if x10=y.

What is the product of eight squared and eight to the negative tenth power?

eight squared=64 eight to the negative tenth power= the tenth root of 8 if multiplied together= the eighth root of 8

What is twenty-seven to the tenth power?

270 Think of it as adding a zero for each "power" that is a tenth. If it is a positive only. For negative numbers (27 to the negative 10) it would be the opposite, so 2.7

Is 7.06 times 10 to the negative tenth power written in scientific notation?

7.06 times 10 to the negative tenth power written in scientific notation is 7.06 x 10-10

What is The cube root of x to the sixth power times y to the negative 4 power?

x squared times y to the negative four thirds power

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What is 1 times 10 to the negative one power?

One tenth.

How power can be negative?

For example (-1) to the power of 3 is (-1)*(-1)*(-1) = -1.You are right that x to the power of y will never be negative if y is an even number.

What does 5 to negative 2 power equal?

it equals 1/25, or 0.04. A number to a negative power is the reciprocal of the number to that same positive power. x^(-y) = 1/(x^y)

How do you Simplify x to the power of negative 2 and y to the power of 3?

It is y^3/x^2

What is the scientific notation of 10 to the negative tenth power?

1 x 10-10