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95 pounds = 43.1 kilograms

5ft 3 inches = 1.6002 metres.

BMI = Mass/Height2= 16.8

If you are an adult, a BMI of less than 18.5 is classified as underweight and you should seek medical or nutritional advice. If you are not an adult, don't worry too much about it - just monitor your BMI from time to time until you are , or if your BMI reduces further.

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Q: What is your BMI you are 95 pounds and 5 feet 3 inches tall?
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How should a thirteen year old weigh if she is 5.6 feet tall?

Children's Body Mass Index (BMI) are slightly different from adults. For a 5.6 foot tall adult, a good weight range would be: 115 pounds to 155 pounds. If the adult is under 115 pounds, the adult is considered underweight according to the BMI scale. If an adult is over 155 pounds they can be considered overweight/obese on the BMI scale.

Are you fat if you are 105 pounds and 5 feet and 5 inches?

No, definatly not! If you are using BMI (Body Mass Index) as a scale, then you score 17.5.

Is 100 pounds good for a 4 feet and 8 inch 9 year old?

BMI = pounds * 703/height in inches squared = 100 lb * 703/(56 in)^2 = 22.4 You are in the proper range of 19 to 25.

What is formula for calculating BMI in metric?

Imperial BMI FormulaThe imperial bmi formula accepts weight measurements in pounds & height measurements in either inches or feet. 1 foot = 12 inchesinches² = inches * inchesTable: Imperial BMI FormulaBMI =( lbs/inches² )(weight in pounds * 703 )------------height in inches²Metric Imperial BMI FormulaThe metric bmi formula accepts weight measurements in kilograms & height measurements in either cm's or meters. 1 meter = 100cmsmeters² = meters * metersTable: Metric BMI FormulaBMI =( kg/m² )weight in kilograms------------height in meters²Below 18.5Underweight18.5 -24.9Normal25 - 29.9Overweight30 & AboveObeseGo NewtonicZzzzz gOOO!!!!!!!!!1111 Jasselle is on the line..................

What is the BMI of weighing 120 lb and height is 5 feet and 7 inches?

According to the US Department of Health (see link) the average BMI based on the information given is 18.8. However, BMI varies between gender and between adult and youngsters. You may need to adjust your BMI accordingly.

Related questions

Is being 130 pounds and about 5 feet 2 inches tall morbidly obese?

No. To be morbidly obese, you would have to have a BMI of 35 or higher. You're BMI is 23.8, which is in healthy, normal range.

Is 200 pounds considered overweight for a nineteen year old boy who is 5 feet 8 inches tall?

Calculate your BMI and that will tell you you can just search calculate your BMI on google and you will be able to calculate it

Are you overweight if your 12 and are 5 feet and 3 inches tall and weigh about 145 pounds?

Yes, if you have are 5'3" and 145 pounds you have a bmi of 25.7, which puts you into the overweight range, but only just. If you lose 5 pounds, you will be in the normal, healthy weight range, and have a bmi of 24.8

Since humans are 3 dimensional why is BMI based on the square of height rather than the cube?

Body Mass Index is determined by your weight in pounds divided by your height in inches. For example: A person 5 feet tall (60 inches) and weighing 200 pounds has a BMI of 33. Borderline obese.

What is the BMI for 60 inches tall and weighs 90 pounds?

A boy who stands 60 inches tall should weigh between 97 pounds and 123 pounds. Obesity for this height would begin at 153 pounds.

What is the Body Mass Index for a person who is 70 inches tall and weighs 202 pounds?

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared. For a person who is 70 inches tall and weighs 202 pounds, the BMI is approximately 29. BMI values between 25 and 29.9 are considered overweight.

If a women weighs 210 and is 65 inches tall What is her BMI?

Her BMI is: 35

Is weighing 140 pounds overweight for 5'7 feet tall?

According to the bmi (body mass index) Height: 5 feet, 7 inches Weight: 140 pounds Your BMI is 21.9, indicating your weight is in the Healthy category for adults of your height. For your height, a healthy weight range would be from 118 to 159 pounds. Also keep in mind that muscle weighs more then fat

What is the appropriate height for someone who is 195 pounds?

6 feet 3 inches to 7 feet 2 inches This is based upon the bmi calculator i found online. This is for an adult man or woman.

Is it too much weight if I am 4 feet 10 inches and I weigh 70 pounds?

No, you are perfect weight according to the BMI scale.

How much should a man weight if he is 5 feet and 4 inches?

Around 142 pounds(64kgs) ,According to BMI ratio.

What is the body mass index for a person who is 70 inches tall and weighes 202 pounds?

The BMI of a 70-inch tall, 202-pound person would be about 29.