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Q: What is your primary argument against the operator precedence rules of APL?
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What is the primary argument against increasing cybersecurity?

The primary argument against increasing cyber-security is that it violates privacy, and cripples government operations.

Which insurance policy takes precedence if I have two insurances, one of which is primary?

If you have two insurance policies and one is designated as the primary policy, the primary insurance policy takes precedence over the secondary insurance policy in terms of coverage and payment.

What was the primary argument against Johnson great society programs by mid-1960s?

Gave federal government to much power

What was the primary argument against Johnsons Great Society programs by the mid-1960s?

Gave federal government to much power

What was the primary argument against Johnson's Great Society programs by the mid-1960s?

Gave federal government to much power

What are some arguments against the LCMC Lutheran church?

That it's based on superstition and outdated beliefs, just like all other religions. That's the primary argument against the church.

What do you know about whole number?

They form a commutative ring in which the primary operator is addition and the secondary operator is multiplication.

What is first charge?

If more than one loan is secured on the property, the lender with the first charge has the first call on the property if the borrower defaults on the loan. the primary mortgage or loan secured against a property which takes precedence over all other finance secured against it.

What is a primary argument of diversity theory to explain intercultural contact?

The primary argument of diversity theory to explain intercultural contact is the role of power and how it can be unbalanced in an intercultural workplace.

What is the main point in an argument is called?

The main point in an argument is called the thesis or the central claim. It is the primary message or idea that the argument aims to convey and support with evidence and reasoning.

Does a supporting sentence strengthen a primary argument?

Yes, a supporting sentence provides additional evidence, explanation, or reasoning to bolster the main argument. It helps to clarify and validate the primary argument by offering more detailed information or examples that reinforce the claim being made.

Which oil company spilled the oil in the gulf of Mexico?

Primary responsibility is BP as they are the operator of the drilling operations. All decisions by Transocean are at the direction of the operator.