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21/25 or 84%

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Q: What is your score if I missed 4 out of 25?
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It means you missed 5 questions. You have to be in the top 2%.

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What is the score if you miss 4 out of 25 questions?

The "score" is the correct portion. That's 21/25 of the questions, or 84% .

What the score if you missed 5 out of 20 on the eog?

100/20=5 5*5=25 100-25=75 You got 75% correct, that is a D

What is your score if you miss 4 question out of 25 quetionss?

4/25 = 16/100 = 84%

What is your score if you miss 5 question out of 25 questions?

Your score is the part of the test where you supplied correct answers.On a test with 25 questions, if you missed 5, you answered (25 - 5) = 20 correctly.If every questions was worth the same credit, then your score is 20/25 = 80% .I'm hoping fervently that it wasn't a math test.

What percentage would you get if you missed 4 questions on a 25 question science quiz?

% of correct answers = 84%=(25 - 4)/25 * 100%=21/25 * 100%= 84%

How much did l get if l got 84% from 25 questions plz show working?

To calculate your score, we need to know the total possible score for the 25 questions. If each question carries an equal weight, we can assume that each question is worth 4% (100% divided by 25 questions). To find your score, multiply the percentage you achieved (84%) by the total possible score (4% per question) and divide by 100: Score = (84% * 4% * 25) / 100 Score = (0.84 * 0.04 * 25) / 100 Score = 0.84 Therefore, if you got 84% on 25 questions with each question being worth 4%, your score would be 0.84 or 84%.

What is your score if you missed 15 out of 80 questions?


What is your score if you missed 5 questions out of 20?


What is the relative frequency of the score of 1 and the frequency of 25?

If I understand the question correctly, it iis 1/25 or 4%

What is your score if you missed eight questions out of seventy five?

Your score is 89.3333%. Formula=75/67x100